real world periodization schema for the AG athlete.

Real world periodization schema for AG athletes.

Its championship race season (Kona, cycling worlds, Xterra Worlds, etc). An exciting time to be an endurance athletes.

But a cold, dark time looms; winter.

As a Maine based coach and athlete I have had to embrace and ENJOY training during this time. And as I plan out my athletes training schemas, I use some real world events to lay out the foundation of “when to, how to, why to” do certain things.

NOTE : if you are racing a full cross season or an IM in late November, this schema will be adjusted a bit.

Time frame:
-from last race to Thanksgiving week is the “use it up” period. A time to ENJOY the fall. Train as much as your life allows and find some low stress races (5ks, CX, train runs).
-Thanksgiving week. This is a great time for an end of season rest period. The holiday falls midweek and usually involves lots of family and food-drink. Go enjoy it and take 5-7 days OFF. (maybe a post feast brisk walk is all you do….).
-now we are at 12/1 for the most part (+/- a few days) and we lay down 3 solid weeks of General Prep. This involves some strength work, some specific sport early season (ie very aerobic) sessions and cross-training as you like.
-this gets us to ~Christmas – New years period. Here we plan some low stress, but consistent training. We shoot to do something EVERY day. But with low structure and no massive time zapping sessions.
-Now we are at Jan 2 and we are full on into 2016 prep. At this point we can train consistently and in a focused incremental manner until our first races of the year.

Hopefully this helps you navigate the tricky period over the next 2.5 months and sets you up for a FAST 2016.

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