Why write a race report?
You’ve spent weeks and months working hard to get race ready. Race day comes and goes. Hopefully the result is great, but sometimes it’s not. What was good and what was bad? Put it to paper (virtual paper these days!)
Athletes have horrible short-term memory I have found. They forget details of races and past training as they are busy with normal daily “life” events.
This is why after any “A” priority race report is important.
We don’t need War and Peace. Just a simple, bullet point style report will suffice.
Why you ask?
First off accountability. Its part of being a good athlete. You are accountable to a training log and a coach, so a race report is just the next level after an important race.
How about motivation? Regardless of a good race or a not so great day…looking back at the write up will get you back to work and looking to improve on what went GREAT!…or what went not so good.
A good story! Other athletes love to hear “war stories” so if you like, sharing your race report with friends, confidants, coaches, etc can be a fun way to bring them into the world of a tough fought event.
Lastly a sense of closure. As athletes….we race. That simple. If the race went well we get back to work and try to get better. If it flopped, we learn from it. Get back to work. And get BETTER.
So while you are recovering from your next “big race” take 10-15min and write up a brief overview of how it all went. Save it. Send it to friends. Send it to your coach…heck, send it to me. I am a sucker for those things.
Train well. #dowork
-Coach Kurt