Are your bike tires slowing you down?

Your bike tires may be costing you time, lots of time. “Come on,” you say, “a bike tire is a bike tire, right?” Or “I paid $50 per tire for my Continental Force and Force Attack tires. The bike shop said they were the fastest. They are fastest, right?” Well, not according to Tri-Maine race…Continue Reading

Race Reports…Everybody is doing it!!

Why write a race report? You’ve spent weeks and months working hard to get race ready. Race day comes and goes. Hopefully the result is great, but sometimes it’s not. What was good and what was bad? Put it to paper (virtual paper these days!) Athletes have horrible short-term memory I have found. They forget…Continue Reading

Embracing Injury: Yes, You Can!

Last weekend, about two hours into a trail clearing frenzy using a swing blade, I misfired and swung the blade directly into the inside of my left ankle. The skin split right open and the pain was intense. Three stitches later my ankle swelled to the size of a grapefruit and I could not step…Continue Reading

3 B.I.G. Winter Training Tips

As a northern-based coach and athlete, managing the winter for both my athletes and myself is a tricky equation. A balance of enough training to prepare for the next race season and not too much indoor, nose to the grind stone training to be burnt out by May. From a physical standpoint it’s tough…psychologically it…Continue Reading

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